+91 22 5095 4735

Get Blood


How To Get Blood

We currently stock a variety of blood and components.

Blood Components

Blood Component means a drug prepared, obtained, derived or separated from a unit of blood drawn from a donor.

Current Blood Stock

K. J. Somaiya Blood Bank strives to keep the blood stock updated everyday. Please see the following chart for the latest blood stock availability.

Fresh Frozen Plasma
Cryoprecipitated Antihaemophilic Factor
Cryoprecipitate Poor Plasma
Random Donar Platelet
Packed Red Blood Cell
As of 4pm January 13th, 2025


If Admitted in Government Hospitals

A letter from original Blood Bank with signature of Blood Bank officer containing patients details such as Name, Age, Sex, Diagnosis and/or Reservation is required for verification.

In case of Cross matching to be done by K.J Somaiya Blood Bank, a blood sample of 3 ml each in plain & EDTA is required. For Cross matching done by Blood Banks run by B.M.C and/or Government Hospitals, blood sample is not required.



If Admitted in Private Hospitals

Doctors' letter on letter head with patients details accompanied with a blood sample of 3ml in both plain and EDTA are required for verification.



Platelets Requirements

For platelets, a hospital letter is required for verification. For Fresh Frozen Plasma, a blood group report or sample accompanied by hospital letter is required for verification.


For Whole Blood & Packed Red Blood Cell

  • ₹ 1450 with cross match
  • ₹ 1100 without cross match
  • ₹ 350 for reservation (Non Refundable)

For Random Donor Platelets

  • ₹ 400
  • ₹ 200 for cross check and reservation (Non Refundable)

For Fresh Frozen Plasma

  • ₹ 400
  • ₹ 200 for cross check and reservation (Non Refundable)

For Single Donor Platelet

  • ₹ 7000 (Letter from hospital or blood bank required)

Please note:

  1. Prices for Single unit.
  2. All Blood bags contain labels of K J Somaiya Blood Bank.
  3. Courier service is not available.
  4. Agents from any other emergency services will not be entertained.